make your own cuticle oil 3 simple diy recipes

How to make your own cuticle oil (3 simple DIY recipes)

Dry nails, loose skin or cracks in your cuticles ... it can all be because your cuticles may be a bit dried out. And you don't want that, because those cuticles have an important function: they protect the nail roots that ensure strong and healthy nails. An oil helps you hydrate your cuticles and keep them supple, so that you keep strong and long nails. And even more good news: you can make cuticle oil yourself!

Making your own cuticle oil is very simple

You don't have to buy expensive oil, but you can simply make your own cuticle oil. Very easy even. You simply mix all the ingredients of the recipes below in a bottle or jar, you massage the mixture well into your cuticles and surrounding skin and you let it soak in well. That's all it takes. So you have no reason not to take care of your cuticles daily!

make your own cuticle oil 3 recipes

DIY recipes

Depending on your skin type, you can easily make your own cuticle oil using the combinations below:

For normal skin type

● Almond oil (74 ml)
● Avocado oil (30 ml)
● Vitamin E oil (6 ml)

For dry skin type

● Castor oil (54 ml)
● Extra Virgin Olive Oil (16 ml)
● Rosehip oil (5 ml)
● Argan oil (35 ml)

For combination skin types (a combination of oily and dry areas)

● Jojoba oil (40 ml)
● Argan oil (40 ml)
● Castor oil (20 ml)
● Vitamin E oil (10 ml)

Dimensions are based on a 110ml volume.

*Do you have a nut allergy? Use grapeseed oil as a replacement for almond oil.

Additional tips

Especially if you wear artificial nails or gel nails, it is very important to take good care of your cuticles with an oil or cream. Even daily. Therefore, choose a fixed time of the day to give your cuticles some love, for example before going to bed. After a few weeks you will have strong and healthy cuticles. Moreover, you only need a few drops, so by making your own cuticle oil once you can go a long way. That saves time!
October 30, 2020 — Team BSC


Miru said:

Hoe heb je bepaald hoeveel ml je per soort olie gebruikt. Ik ben heel benieuwd welke reden daarachter zit

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