These are the consequences of gel polish layers that are too thick

These are the consequences of gel polish layers that are too thick

Sometimes your gel polish doesn't cover that well, this is often the case with light colours. We understand if you just apply some thick layers of gel nail polish, but that is still not very practical. With too thick layers of gel polish, you have to remove gel polish or nail polish quickly and then you have to start all over again. These are the consequences of too thick layers and - more importantly - how you can prevent them and still keep your nail polish opaque.

Your gel polish is not drying properly

It probably comes as no surprise that thick layers of lacquer dry slower than thin layers. Much longer. Also when curing via an LED or UV lamp. The top of the lacquer often dries, but underneath it is still liquid. Because it then seems as if the lacquer or gel has already hardened, you just continue with your daily activities and that creates dents and bumps. You don't want that!

Thick layers of gel polish do not adhere

Did you apply a layer of gel polish that was too thick and are you applying a new layer because you want to be sure that the polish covers well? Then that second layer probably does not adhere to the first or hardly adheres at all, because that same first layer is still liquid. That will of course chip, wrinkle and/or crumble and then you are even further from home. The only way to repair that is to start over again.

Unnatural look

With gel polish you can create a very beautiful, natural look. But with too thick layers your nails will also become thicker and that does not look so natural. Not to mention the many wrinkles and bumps in your nail polish or the liquid polish running out in your cuticles. In short, you want to apply the polish evenly. And you simply do not do that with a thick layer.

What should you do then?

If your gel polish doesn't cover well, it's better to apply 2 or 3 thin layers and let them dry in between or harden under a lamp. This ensures an even distribution and good adhesion, so that your nails will remain strong and beautiful for weeks. It may take a little more time, but it will save you a lot of hassle. And that is more than worth it!
February 18, 2021 — Team BSC

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