make your own hand bath 3 diy recipes

Make your own hand bath: 3 simple DIY recipes

We are busy with our hands all day long, so every now and then you can pamper them with a hand bath. A relaxing bath with oils that care for your hands. No more dry or chapped skin, but nice and supple and soft hands.

Luckily, you can make such a hand bath yourself. Easy, fast and just with ingredients you already have at home or can easily get at the drugstore. You don't need expensive products at all!

How to make a DIY hand bath

Making your own hand bath is very easy. File or polish your nails first (if you are going to do a complete manicure), mix all the ingredients together and let your hands and nails soak until they are nice and soft. Massage your hands, fingers and cuticles in the meantime and you are done. It is that easy.

And to make it even easier for you, we have listed three of the simplest and most delicious recipes for a relaxing bath:

Mix 1: coconut oil, rose water & toothpaste

diy manicure hand bath

Do you naturally often have dry hands? Then this bath with a somewhat greasy oil is very nice. Coconut oil makes your skin supple and works very hydrating.

● 3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
● 3 tablespoons rose water
● ½ teaspoon of toothpaste (do you suffer from extremely dry hands? leave out the toothpaste)
● 500-700 ml lukewarm water

Mix 2: jojoba oil, lavender oil & lime juice

jojoba oil hand bath diy

This mix is ​​suitable for all skin types. The jojoba oil is less greasy and is therefore also very suitable for people who often suffer from clammy hands, for example.

● 3 tablespoons jojoba oil
● 1 teaspoon lavender oil
● 1 tablespoon lime juice
● 500-700 ml lukewarm water

Mix 3: Almond, lemon juice & baking soda

make your own hand bath 3 recipes

Prefer a deeper cleanse for your hands? Then Mix 3 is the go to. The combination of lemon juice and baking soda works deep cleansing.

Be careful with this mix to avoid wounds on your hands.

● 3 tablespoons almond oil
● 3 tablespoons lemon juice
● 1 tablespoon baking soda
● 500-700 ml lukewarm water

After the hand bath

Are your hands nice and soft again? Great! But we're not done yet. After the hand bath, it's best to gently pat your hands dry with a clean cloth. That way, a little of the mixture will remain on your skin and it can still be absorbed. That way, your hands will stay velvety soft for even longer.

Apply some extra hand cream or oil to your hands and then finish your manicure by applying a gel polish or gel lacquer, painting your nails or putting on beautiful acrylic gel nails!

September 09, 2020 — Team BSC

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