This is what well-groomed hands (and nails) do for a first impression
This is what well-groomed hands (and nails) do for a first impression

In many cases, making a good first impression is crucial. For example, when meeting clients. But also when applying for jobs, during interviews or when you are going to pitch your idea to a group.

We make sure that our hair looks good and that we (often) wear a little make-up for an extra self-confidence boost.

But we often forget our hands, while well-groomed hands and nails are very important for a positive first impression.

well-groomed hands for a good first impression

Well-groomed hands for a well-groomed look

At first impression you want to come across as well groomed. That implies that you value personal hygiene and that is in many cases an important characteristic.

Your appearance says a lot about your personality and habits and well-groomed hands indicate that you take good care of your body. That you are fit and healthy. That you are suitable for the job... or perhaps as a romantic partner when you finally go on a date again.

first impression with hands

How to care for your hands

Hand care doesn't have to be difficult. With a little bit of attention and a few nice hand creams and lotions, you can quickly ensure well-groomed hands. These hydrate your skin and keep your hands soft and supple.

So make using these products part of your daily routine and you will soon benefit from healthy hands and a powerful appearance.

well-groomed hands during job interview
Communicate with your nails

While with well-groomed hands you mainly show that you take good care of yourself, you can go a bit further with your nails. With the right nail polish you can communicate something very specific about your character or give your personality some extra power.

Here too, clean, well-groomed nails ensure a well-groomed appearance. A file in your bag to file away a last-minute tear or hook is certainly not an unnecessary luxury!

Tip: check out the blog about the color psychology behind the Bodyspeak Gel Polish collection and discover which color will make a fitting statement for you!


August 25, 2020 — Team BSC
Tags: Kennis

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