"Should You Cut Your Cuticles or Not? The Facts on This Much-Debated Issue"

Cutting cuticles is a hot topic in nail care. Some argue that it is important for the health and beauty of your nails, while others argue that it is unnecessary and can even be harmful. In this blog you can read more about the do's and don'ts

Why is cutting cuticles a don't ?

Some experts claim that cutting/trimming cuticles is unnecessary and can even be harmful. Trimming can damage the cuticle, creating an opening for bacteria and infection. Cutting cuticles incorrectly can even damage the nail matrix , which hinders nail growth .

In addition, cuticle scissors or nippers are very sharp, which means you can easily cut the living skin around them. This can also cause infections and irritations.

If you have not done any education, course or training, we advise against cutting your own cuticles. It would be a shame if you got an infection and could no longer enjoy a beautiful manicure.

Why do we choose to cut cuticles?

When cuticles get too long, they can grow and push into the nail plate, which can cause pain and hinder nail growth. But this only happens to a small minority.

In the nail industry, we often choose to cut the cuticles because it looks 'nicer' aesthetically. Cutting the cuticles gives the nail stylist the opportunity to paint closer to the cuticle. This makes the nail bed optically longer and many simply find this beautiful.

Have you not had any training/course in cutting your cuticles but still want to take good care of your cuticles? Below we give you a short routine to make your cuticles look beautiful and healthy:

  1. Make a hand bath and immerse your hands in it for about 15 minutes.
  2. Dry your hands gently with a towel.
  3. Gently push back the soaked cuticles with an orange wood stick or cuticle pusher. The cuticles are now nice and supple, making it easy to push them back and remove loose skin on the nail plate.
  4. Wash hands again with cold water and unicura hand soap. The cold water closes the pores.
  5. Hydrate your cuticles with a cuticle oil or hand cream.

If you still want to give your nails a nice polish, skip the last step and do it at the end of your manicure.

And voila!

February 06, 2023 — Team BSC

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